XLIII National Congress

Bari 22-24 September 2014 





The XLIII National Congress on Magnetic Resonance will be held in Bari from September 22 to September 24 at the Politecnico di Bari, Via E. Orabona, 4 – CAMPUS 70125 Bari

For any kind of information please contact the organizing committee at the e-mail address bari2014@gidrm.org

{mosmap text=’Politecnico di Bari’|width=’100%’|height=’600’|address=’Via Edoardo Orabona, 4, 70126 Bari,Puglia,italy’|zoom=’14’|zoomType=’Large’|zoomNew=’1’|mapType=’Normal’|showMaptype=’1’|weather=’1’|overview=’1’|dir=’5′}




How to reach the congress site

Download the directions in PDF 
 pdf ita pdf eng 
 in Italian  in English

Come arrivare alla sede del congresso

Come arrivare alla sede del congresso2

Come arrivare alla sede del congresso3 

How to reach congress site Pagina 1

How to reach congress site Pagina 2

How to reach congress site Pagina 3