MGs provide funds to support visits to other laboratories. MGs are aimed at supporting individual mobility, strengthening existing networks and fostering collaboration between researchers.
- MG are open to any registered GIDRM member who is under 35-year-old on the first day of the visit, although priority is given to Master students, PhD students and Early Career Investigators.
- The project to be run during the MG has to be about NMR or related to an NMR project (e.g. joining a laboratory to collect X-ray data to complement NMR data is allowed)
- The host laboratory must not necessarily be located in Italy or registered as member of GIDRM
- The application deadline for this year is set to 28 March 2025
- Given the 3 weeks required to evaluate applications and allowing some extra time for contingency, MG cannot start before 1 May 2025
- The research visit funded by a MG must be completed by the 31 March 2026
MGs do not necessarily cover all expenses related to a given visit. A MG is a contribution to the overall travel, accommodation and meal expenses of the Grantee.
The total available for this year is 4000 € which is enough to provide 3+ MGs.
The calculation of the financial contribution for each MG must respect the following criteria:
- The GIDRM contribution for a MG is fixed to a maximum of [50€ x (number of nights)] for accommodation and [30€ x (number of days)] for food (see example below);
- The GIDRM contribution for a MG is fixed to a maximum of 400 € for travel;
- The maximum GIDRM contribution is fixed to 1500€ for the whole visit (this figure includes all accommodation, food and travel costs);
- The MG must last a minimum of 5 days/4 nights;
- Expenses will be reimbursed only upon reception of original receipts.
- The Grantee claiming reimbursement should also present a declaration that he/she is not claiming those same expenses from other sources.
Example: 14 days/13 nights visit under a MG can receive a MAXIMUM of 1470€ calculated as 50€*13 (accommodation) + 30€*14 (food) + 400€ (travel costs) = 1470€. A 30 days MG can still receive a maximum of 1500€ despite 50€*29 (accommodation) + 30€*30 (food) + 400€ (travel costs) = 2750€
Applicants must send an e-mail to including:
- Applicant’s CV (use template available on the GIDRM web site for Master Students or PhD Students)
- Case for Support (2 pages max, min font: Arial 11) constructed of the exact 5 sections below:
- The Candidate (one-third of a page max – explain the aim of your research, your expertise in the field and how the MG will benefit your research)
- The Host (one-third of a page max – explain what the host offers in terms of expertise and/or instrumentation that you don’t have or cannot match in your lab; state whether or not a collaboration between the candidate and the host’s research groups is new or already exists)
- Scientific Problem (one-third of a page max – introduce the problem to be addressed during the visit)
- The Work Programme (half-a-page max – describe exactly what you expect to do during the visit and how you are going to do it by elaborating a work plan. Please clearly indicate start and finish date of the visit)
- Justification of Resources (half-a-page max – give all details of how much money you require for the whole visit and how much of this amount you are asking to be covered by GIDRM under the MG.)
- Signed Letter of acceptance of the Host (one page max, min font: Arial 11).
- Signed Letter of support from Home Institution (written by current supervisor, line manager or equivalent, one page max, min font: Arial 11).
Please pack these 4 documents in a single PDF.
- Applications are, in the first instance, invited through an open call publicized on the GIDRM website and through the GIDRM mailing list.
- Applications must be submitted by the call deadline that is indicated on the website. Depending on funding we may be able to open other calls during the same year.
- If successful, the candidate is required to acknowledge GIDRM in any paper/poster/oral contributions that include the work done during the MG.
The decision on whether the application for a MG will be supported or not will be made according to the following criteria:
- The application serves the goal of complementing the work done at the home institution or to foster collaborations with other groups/laboratories
- The scientific quality of the MG is high and the work plan for its realization is sound
- When other conditions are equal, preference will be given to non-affiliated researchers (Master Students, PhD and PostDocs) although application from under 35 senior researchers that hold a stable position are also accepted.
- When other conditions are equal, preference will be given to applications that are meant to establish new cooperation within groups that have no prior history of mutual collaboration
- When other conditions are equal, preference will be given to scientists from laboratories which did not get support from GIDRM MG in the last 2 years
- When other conditions are equal, preference will be given in order to promote balance in gender, age and regional distribution.
The coordinator will associate each application with a specific member of the committee (including the coordinator) chosen according to closest expertise, no conflict of interests and workload balance criteria. The members of the committee will reply to the coordinator within 14 days with an indication of acceptance/rejection supported by a few sentences of justification. The committee will meet online to rank applications and propose funding to the GIDRM board. The coordinator will notify the applicants about the GIDRM board decision via e-mail. The whole process will be completed by 30 April 2025.
If the MG application has been approved and was successfully accomplished the candidate must send to within 30 days from the last day of his/her visit, the following four files:
- A scientific report (three pages max) organized into the following exact 6 sections:
- Candidate name
- Title
- Home laboratory, Host laboratory and visit dates
- Introduction (briefly introduce the aim of the mission)
- Results (present some results – using tables and/or plots, etc)
- Conclusion (summarise and conclude stating whether the mission was fruitful and could strengthen existing or open new collaborations with the host).
- A signed letter from the host (one page max) that states that he/she has read and approved your scientific report.
- A list that summarises all occurred expenses (divided in accommodation, travel, food expenses).
- A declaration that the indicated expenses have not and will not be claimed from other sources.
The reimbursement will be paid by GIDRM only if the original receipts corresponding to the claimed expenses will arrive, within 30 days from the last day of the visit, to the treasurer of GIDRM:
Prof. Giacomo Parigi
Magnetic Resonance Center and Department of Chemistry
University of Florence
Via L. Sacconi 6
50019 Sesto Fiorentino, (FI) -Italy
The MG scientific committee is nominated every year by the GIDRM board and it is constituted by 3 members, chosen among GIDRM members, plus a coordinator chosen among the GIDRM board members.