Join the “European Network on NMR Relaxometry”

The GIDRM board informs the wider Italian NMR community of the possibility to join the “European Network on NMR Relaxometry” which is a new COST Action chaired by Danuta Kruk and running until 29 September 2020.

The Action (CA15209) aims to develop a research network focused on NMR relaxometry for fundamental and applied sciences concerned with molecular dynamics of soft and hard matter.

It includes 27 European Countries (check here for a full list: and has 5 working groups covering Fundamental and applied materials science, Medical applications, Food and environmental applications, Theory and modelling, and Instrumental development.

Among the tools offered by the Action there are international meetings, working group meetings, workshops, summer schools and short-term scientific missions.

To benefit of those tools you simply need to join the Action before September 29th 2017 through the website