XLV National Congress on Magnetic Resonance
Frontiers of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: translational aspects and advanced solutions to new scientific, technological, and societal challenges
Modena, 5-7 September 2016

Invited Speakers
The following speakers have so far agreed to give plenary lectures at the meeting:
- Y. Cohen (Tel Aviv University, Israel): “Applications of diffusion MRI and MRS for studying brain structure and mechanisms of brain injury”
- L. Emsley (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland): “New methods in solid state NMR and applications in life sciences”
- M. L. Garcia Martin (Centro Andaluz de Nanomedicina y Biotecnología, Malaga, Spain): “Magnetic Resonance in biomedical research”
- C. Kalodimos (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA): “Monitoring the assembly of protein machineries by NMR”
- A. Piccolo (Università di Napoli Federico II, Naples, Italy): “NMR-based metabolomics on agro-food products”
- K. Saalwachter (Martin Luther University, Halle, Germany): “Solid-state NMR investigations of elastomeric materials: high-end science at low field”
The following speakers have so far agreed to give lectures at the meeting:
- M. Concistrè (University of Southampton, UK): “14N overtone NMR under magic angle spinning”
- F. P. Fanizzi (Università del Salento, Lecce, Italy): “NMR profiling as a tool for geographical origin assessment: the case of italian extra virgin olive oil”
- C. Forte (ICCOM-CNR, Pisa, Italy): “NMR for environmental sciences: selected applications”
- L. Mollica (IIT, Genova, Italy): “Protein dynamics and NMR observables: new approaches from enhanced sampling methods”
- A. Mucci (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy): “Conjugated polymers for photovoltaics: from solution to solid-state NMR”
- G. Parigi (CERM, University of Florence, Sesto Fiorentino, Italy): “NMR relaxation to monitor dynamic phenomena”
- N. Proietti (IMC-CNR, Roma, Italy): “Unilateral NMR in cultural heritage: A tool for studying new eco-sustainable cleanings”
- V. Righi (University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy): “HR-MAS NMR contribution to the comprehension of metabolic disorders in inflammatory and neoplastic hyperproliferative disease”
- D. Valensin (Università di Siena, Siena, Italy): “Understanding the crucial role of metal ions in neurodegeneration by using NMR Spectroscopy”
- C. Zuccaccia (Università degli Studi di Perugia, Perugia, Italy): “Application of NMR in homogeneous organometallic catalysis: from olefin polymerization to water oxidation”
During the meeting, the GIDRM and GIRM Gold Medal will be awarded to a distinguished Italian scientist for her/his contributions to Magnetic Resonance. The recipient of the Medal will present a 50 minutes plenary lecture.
This year a new “Under 35 GIDRM award” is established. This award is based on self- nominations (no letters of presentation are required). Applicants should send their CV to direttivo@gidrm.org by May 31st, 2016. The winner (selected by the GIDRM board) will be entitled to present a 30 minutes plenary lecture and will receive a plaque.