GIDRM Day – Simulation Software in Magnetic Resonance

Online on Zoom

Friday, 21st January 2022, Online on Zoom AIMSIn this workshop, the main developers of major simulations software packages used in magnetic resonance summarise the structure and functionality of their code. Selected forefront research topics, enabled or supported by such software, will be  resented by a panel of experts in magnetic resonance to further highlight the […]

GIDRM Day – L’Insegnamento dell’NMR in Italia

Online on Zoom

Lunedi', 14 Febbraio 2022, Online su Zoom SCOPO Questo workshop ha l’obbiettivo di mettere a confronto le esperienze relative all’insegnamento universitario dell’NMR in tutti i suoi aspetti (concettuali e applicativi, relativi allo studio di liquidi, di solidi o all'Imaging) e nelle diverse aree scientifiche (chimica organica, chimica generale, chimica fisica, fisica, biologia, biotecnologie, farmacia, ecc.). […]

GIDRM Day – Hyperpolarization Methods in Magnetic Resonance

Online on Zoom

Friday, 27th May 2022, Online on Zoom AIMSNuclear magnetic resonance methods are widely recognized as powerful analytical tools in chemical, physical and biomedical sciences. Hyperpolarization methods aim to overcome the inherent low sensitivity of magnetic resonance methods by generating non-Boltzmann distribution of the nuclear spin energy levels. The enormous increase in sensitivity (up to 5 […]