“Bitter & Sweet Science” – Palermo, September 25thbittersweet

A workshop on Bitter and Sweet Science is organized in honour of the retirement of Pierandrea Temussi. The workshop will be held in Palermo on the 25th of September as a Satellite meeting of the XXXIV GIDRM.

As most of you know, Temussi has been one of the first Italian scientists to introduce biological NMR in Italy in the early 70’s. He started a long tradition of conformational studies of biologically active peptides in Naples and focused specifically on opioids and sweet peptides. He was the first to study the conformation of aspartame, now one of the most widely used sweeteners, and of enkephalin derivatives. One of the hallmark of Temussi’s scientific career is his interest both to experimental and computational methods. More recently, he has published a model of how the recently identified sweet receptor recognizes the substrates, while starting a new line of research on the study of cellular confinement and crowding. It is within this frame that he identified a model system to study cold denaturation, a physical phenomenon still widely understudied. Temussi’s alumni have now spread all over Italy and abroad.

For more information visit http://www.sweetandbitterscience.org.