Author: Andrea Batistini

Post-doc position in protein NMR on TTR amyloidosis

A post-doc position founded by Pfizer through a Global Medical Grant is available at the University of Udine (Italy) in the Biophysics lab of Prof. Alessandra Corazza. The successful candidate will study the effect of shear...

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Post-doc position at Bruker

Bruker offers a Post-doc position funded for 2 years to provide spectroscopic (flow NMR and IR) insights and support to a team formed by members of 4 companies aiming to develop a compact, mobile, autonomous and frugal API...

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Scuola di Biofotonica ed Intelligenza Artificiale

Dal 5 al 9 Settembre 2022 a Firenze, si terrà la prima Scuola nazionale in Biofotonica ed Intelligenza Artificiale – BPAI.La Biofotonica ha applicazioni che vanno dalla rilevazione di sostanze chimiche, biologiche e...

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Dottorato in Structural Biology

Il Centro di Risonanze Magnetiche (CERM) dell’Universita’ di Firenze cerca laureati interessati alla ricerca nel campo dell’NMR applicato a molecole biologiche mettendo a disposizione borse di dottorato in...

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JEOL NMR WEBINAR: Quantitative 13C NMR

Presenter: Dr. Adolfo Botana Abstract: Quantitative NMR is traditionally done acquiring 1H spectra, but signal overlap often increases the difficulty of obtaining accurate quantification. In this webinar we will explore some of...

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