XLVI National Congress on Magnetic Resonance


Fisciano (Salerno), 27-29 September 2017 



Abstracts & Communications



The deadline for abstract submission is July 15th 2017.

One page abstract (in Word format) must be sent by e-mail to: salerno2017@gidrm.org. Please specify in the message if you prefer poster or oral communication.

You will be notified of the acceptance of your contribution before August 4th 2017.

Please download the template (in Word or OpenDocument format) and follow the style therein in writing your abstract.



Oral Communications

Scientific contributions can be presented as oral communications of 20 minutes, discussion included. Even though the use of Italian language is allowed, participants are strongly encouraged to give oral communications in English.




Language for posters is English. Posters maximum dimensions are 70 cm width and 100 cm height.




Poster Contest

All posters presented by under 35 researchers are eligible to take part in the GIDRM poster contest. The posters presented by young researchers entitled of Attendance Grants are automatically part of the competition. The posters will be judged by a committee composed by all foreign speakers.

The winner of the poster competition will receive a prize and will be presenting her/his poster as an oral communication of 15 minutes.