NMR in soil science – Vienna 2-7/5/2010nmrsoil

Pellegrino Conte ci comunica che, facendo seguito all’iniziativa del 2009, nel 2010 per la seconda volta verrà organizzata una sessione di “Magnetic Resonance Techniques in Soil Science” nell’ambito dell’Assemblea Generale 2010 della European Geoscience Union (EGU 2010),

che si terrà a Vienna dal 2 al 7 maggio 2010 (link):

“The organizers invite and encourage all scientists working in the field of NMR, relaxometry or MRI in soil science and environment to submit abstracts for posters (indicate “poster”) or oral presentations (indicate “no preference”) via the EGU homepage. Note that there is no guarantee for an oral presentation as the time slot for oral presentations is limited. An author is able to submit not more than one regular abstract and one solicited abstract with the choice “no preference”. Poster abstracts are of course always welcome.

Submission deadline for abstracts is the 18th January 2010.”