XLIV National Congress on Magnetic Resonance

Rome, 28-30 September 2015 




Accommodation is NOT included in the registration fee except for young researchers recipient of the Attendance Grants, for whom accommodation is provided by the organizing committee. The remaining participants are kindly invited to book their own hotel rooms.

Recommended hotels:

Quotation for single room (breakfast included)


Quotation per Night
Quotation per Night Reserved to CNR-Sapienza Univerisity

Ateneo Garden Palace

4 star hotel

Via dei Salentini 3

Tel +39 06/4440042


125 € single

150 € double

Best Western  Globus Hotel

3 star hotel

Viale Ippocrate, 119

Tel. +39 06 4457001


95 € single

105 double standard

125 double superior

152 Suite

Hotel delle Provincie

3 star hotel

Viale delle Provincie, 103 TEL. +39.06.44292670

99 € single

129 € double


Hotel Galles Roma

3 star hotel

Viale Castro Pretorio, 66

Tel. +39 06 445 4741


110 € single

129 € double, single use

144 € double  standard

Hotel Felice Roma

2 star hotel

Via Tiburtina, 30 70 €  

Mercure Roma Piazza Bologna

3 star hotel

Via Reggio Calabria, 54


100 € single

135 € double standard

breakfast included (only if reserved before 27/8/2015)