Dear colleagues,
We would like to invite you to register for the 6th qNMR Summit in Europe (2024). The summit will be held as an in-person event at Buchs (SG) Switzerland on September 18-20, 2024. Scientific talks and poster presentations are invited. You may access the conference web site and register here:
A qNMR Summit in Europe has been held consistently since 2016. The 2024 event will closely follow the form of the recent, very successful symposium that was held in Santiago de Compostela (2023). There will be ample time and opportunity for attendees to interact with each other – and our generous sponsors. Thus, meals and events are held together, and included in the registration. We have chosen another beautiful location for the 2024 meeting, and are grateful to Merck KAaG for their generous sponsorship and help with local arrangements.
Students and early stage scientists! This is an excellent opportunity to progress your NMR understanding and career.
Our objective is for the technical material to cover a broad swathe of topics relating to qNMR. Thus we plan sessions relating to forensics and food science applications, reaction monitoring, benchtop NMRs, pharmaceuticals QA/QC, biopharma, NMR technology/experiments, and hyperpolarisation. Thus:
You are invited to register your interest in presenting at the symposium. Please send us a message soon that gives us an idea of what material you wish to present.
Email: or someone on the organising committee.
You may choose between a full presentation (15-20 min), flash presentation, or poster presentation. If you can offer an overview talk on a new topic of interest then more time will be allocated.
This non-profit event is designed to be very affordable, and we are delighted to continue this in 2024. We have some fantastic events organised!
The registration fee is €300 (full) or €150 (student). Early registration attracts a discount. Your registration includes lunches, dinners, and the cost for events. We will provide opportunities to “network” and take in the fabulous Swiss scenery.
The Buchserhof hotel has been selected as the conference hotel. Rooms are available at €120/night.
Please reply to indicate interest in the meeting as an attendee and/or presenter. Further information will be sent by email and advertised on the conference web site.
We look forward to meeting you in Switzerland in 2024 for a most enjoyable and edifying time together.
Kind regards,
The qNMR Summit Organising Committe